Is your New Years Resolution this year to get lose weight, be healthier, or plan for a race/audacious goal? These goals can sometimes be scary especially if we don’t have a good plan to achieve them. Here are a few things to help you crush those 2020 goals!
Don’t set unrealistic expectations
When you are making your goal, make sure that is something that you can maintain and can be successful at long term. Some of these “Crash course” diets or “fads” may work short term for weight loss but are not healthy and long-term options. A lot of the time people who get on these diets tend to be unhappy and can not be sustainable for more than a few months at a time.
Pick exercises that you like to do
If you don’t like running than you don’t have to run to lose weight and be healthier! Finding exercise that you enjoy doing makes working out easy! Whether you like going on long walks, lifting weights, or engaging in a new recreational activity a few nights a week; these are some great ways to be able to work out without that negative perception of “having to do it.”
Don’t let a bad day turn into a bad week
Realizing that we are all human and we will have a bad day here and there is normal. Making sure that if you do end up having a bad day to accept it and move on and try and win the next day. Too often we have a bad day which we feel guilty about and may give up on the entire week or our goal all together. Staying positive and not letting one bad day ruin an entire week or month of good habits will ensure that we have a successful 2020 New Years Resolution!