Has your kid been less active during this pandemic? Exercise deficit disorder (EDD) is a term we use to describe a condition in children. EDD is characterized by reduced levels of physical activity that are inconsistent with positive health outcomes. In other words, less activity is detrimental to. your child’s physical health. In 2011 during the NFL lockout period, they saw an increase from 8 torn Achilles in a season to 12 in training camp in the preseason alone. Here are 4 things that can help fight off the injury bug after a time of inactivity:
1. A gradual return to play. Less time in practice or less load.
2. Having a good warm up and cool down. This includes foam rolling.
3. Listen to your kid or your body. Is today a good day to train?
4. Run them through a Functional Movement Screen (FMS). This evaluates if they are safe
to return to sport and identify weaknesses to not only prevent injury but improve
overall performance.