If you are the parent of a Jr High or High School athlete, it is highly likely that your athlete has tired KinesioTape or you’ve seen a teammate with KinesioTape on. KinesioTape can be helpful with changing the perception of pain and allowing your athlete to stay in the game.
(This is where we could have a side discussion about “is it good to play through pain?” “Is the pain an injury or psychosomatic?” “What is my perception of my child and his/her pain?” As a sports healthcare professional AND parent of an athlete, I’m here for ALL the discussions…. just not right now).
Many parents have spent minutes to near hours watching YouTube videos trying to figure out how to put KinesioTape on. We’d like to give you a helping hand with a FREE KinesioTaping Workshop
Thursday Feb 13th at 6pm
45- 60 min in length Free Roll of KinesioTape.
In this workshop we will cover how it works, Do’s and Do Not’s, and then spend time getting some hands on with the most common areas we see parents trying to tape.
In case you can’t make it, I would at the very least like to touch on these four DO NOT’s.
More questions? I’ve got answers. Please join me:
FREE KinesioTape Workshop
Thursday Feb 13th at 6pm
45-60 min in length
Free Roll of KinesioTape.
Seats will be limited so please call Angela at 770-438-8990 or email her at frontdesk@sportschiropracticinstitute.com to reserve your spot.