What is VO2? It is considered the maximum rate (V) of Oxygen (O2) that the body can consume during incremental exercise. It is usually used for endurance fitness testing to see how fit the cardiovascular system is in a person. The more oxygen your body can take in, the more ATP (energy for the body) the body will be able to produce!
There is a study from 1990 that has been referenced many times that states that higher levels of fitness appear to delay all-cause mortality (age of death for any reason) due to the lowered rates of cardiovascular disease and cancer. So much so that all-cause mortality was 25% as prevalent in fit vs unfit people. Get fit, live longer and healthier lives!
A good way to keep your cardiovascular system healthy would be to reach your max heart rate at least once a week and preferably 4-5x a week.
Your max heart rate can be generally estimated at 220 – your age.
For example, a 30 year old would have a 190 max heart rate. Whatever way you choose to reach your max heart rate is great! You can run, skip, swim, row, sauna, sky dive, lift, throw, play, and dance. So, make sure to raise that heart rate if you want to live a bit longer and have a more healthy life!